The Exile Files

Raging Against the Outrageous. Laughter and Insanity Abound.

Archive for December, 2022

It’s Been a While…

Posted by Exile on December 21, 2022

but things have been busy.

This hasn't been my best year. I put my back out in August and it has taken me a while to get back up on my feet again. The doctor says it will never get really better, my back is worn out and I'll simply have to learn to live with it. OK. I can do that. My gardening days are over, that's for sure, unless I can do something with raised beds and such. Otherwise, I'll be taking it easy, whatever I do. I didn't get out on the bike this year either. That really upset me. We have decided to move away from Copenhagen. Now that my good lady and I are both pensioners we have no need for the big city any longer. I was always determined to leave when the chance arose and indeed, it has. We have found a really nice spot on Falster. For the unknowing, Falster is a large island just South of Sealland. The house is secluded, surrounded by fields, one kilometre from a very pretty woodland and only one and a half kilometres from a beach, complete with a small harbour. The local village is at least six hundred yards further down the road away from the woods. We have a magnificent view of the local landscape. We have two thousand square metres to run around in and most of it is lawn and bushes. We have a barn, workshop and garage and an eighty square metre large workshop hall that I can use as both shed, workshop and garage. Room for the cars, trailer and Thumper, all under one roof. There is also room to have the family come and stay. We move in March 2023. I can't wait. Speaking of family, we have increased in number. Not that anybody had kids, you understand. My dear daughter found herself a beau. Not just any old beau, but an American chappie from Alabama. Welcome "Rocky", as he is affectionately known. I have to bend my ear a little as I am not yet quite used to that long Southern drawl but I'm sure it will all work itself out. He arrived here on the 14th of December, my daughter's birthday. He had been delayed leaving Chicago and missed his flight from London, Heathrow. A ten hour delay. He was worn out when he eventually arrived so I didn't get to speak with him much at that point and right now he is sick with the flu. He'll be here with us for Christmas though, so we'll get to know each other then. A big lad, served in the US Army in Iraq. We have much in common. The really good news is, that my grandson says he's a fun guy. Which is praise indeed from my little cynic.... Christmas is upon us. I do enjoy this time of year but we have turned down the volume this year. Fuel bills and inflation have taken their toll on us and now, with the big investment made, we need to mind the pennies for a while yet. We still have to sell this old house we are presently living in, but there is interest and we are hopeful, if not entirely optimistic, of a quick sell. This would be the time to wish everybody a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year. I do hope we get one! Take care, y'all. (See, that drawl is kicking in....)

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